Stonk Strategists

Masters of market chaos, turning volatility into profits—and sometimes tears. If stonks go up, it’s skill; if they crash, it’s “just a hedge.” Either way, they’ll laugh through the apocalypse while plotting the next big squeeze.

Positie Portfolio naam Netto waarde Historisch Rendement % Rendement
1501 TonyHan3E 106.852,94 100.000,00 +6.852,94 +6,85%
1502 Inge Harms 106.818,15 100.000,00 +6.818,15 +6,82%
1503 Imker Money 106.797,18 100.000,00 +6.797,18 +6,80%
1504 R. 106.784,71 100.000,00 +6.784,71 +6,78%
1505 MoosStoop3E 106.773,40 100.000,00 +6.773,40 +6,77%
1506 Sugardaddy 106.770,41 100.000,00 +6.770,41 +6,77%
1507 Sam van Laar 106.768,87 100.000,00 +6.768,87 +6,77%
1508 LuukBekers3G 106.753,66 100.000,00 +6.753,66 +6,75%
1509 Pieter van Wiechen 3A 106.743,95 100.000,00 +6.743,95 +6,74%
1510 Ff n nieuwe :) 106.741,16 100.000,00 +6.741,16 +6,74%
1511 Stonk Strategists 106.728,83 100.000,00 +6.728,83 +6,73%
1512 Thom Fledderus 106.717,76 100.000,00 +6.717,76 +6,72%
1513 De heer Lars 106.687,65 100.000,00 +6.687,65 +6,69%
1514 Sanne 106.683,28 100.000,00 +6.683,28 +6,68%
1515 joranmr 106.659,98 100.000,00 +6.659,98 +6,66%
1516 Maartje, Bei Lei, Maxim 106.659,30 100.000,00 +6.659,30 +6,66%
1517 Sven Jonkers 106.656,45 100.000,00 +6.656,45 +6,66%
1518 Gijs, Puck en Anouk 106.636,69 100.000,00 +6.636,69 +6,64%
1519 XS money 106.623,35 100.000,00 +6.623,35 +6,62%
1520 Wout 106.600,19 100.000,00 +6.600,19 +6,60%