Stonk Strategists

Masters of market chaos, turning volatility into profits—and sometimes tears. If stonks go up, it’s skill; if they crash, it’s “just a hedge.” Either way, they’ll laugh through the apocalypse while plotting the next big squeeze.


Instrument   Aantal Aanschaf Waarde Koers Waarde nu W/V Rendement
ADYEN NV L 3 1.515,600 4.547 1.436,600 4.310 -237 -5,21%
ASMI L 30 500,400 15.012 566,000 16.980 +1.968 +13,11%
ASML L 31 633,029 19.624 684,900 21.232 +1.608 +8,19%
BAM L 2.392 4,164 9.961 4,212 10.075 +114 +1,14%
BESI L 90 111,231 10.011 133,650 12.029 +2.018 +20,16%
Heineken L 212 70,407 14.926 69,180 14.666 -260 -1,74%
ING L 660 15,126 9.983 15,014 9.909 -74 -0,74%
Philips Koninklijke L 583 24,667 14.381 24,530 14.301 -61 -0,41%
      98.445   103.502 +5.057 +5,14%


Instrument   Aantal Aanschaf Waarde Koers Waarde nu W/V Rendement
Kempen Orange Fund L 6 118,710 712 118,170 709 -3 -0,45%
      712   709 -3 -0,45%
  Waarde   Waarde nu W/V Rendement
Waarde portefeuille 99.157   104.211 5.054 +5,10%
Banksaldo     686    
Totaal 100.000   104.897 +4.897 +4,90%
→ Vandaag 104.897   104.897 +0 +0,00%
→ Maand 99.941   104.897 +4.956 +4,96%
→ Jaar 100.000   104.897 +4.897 +4,90%