
Positie Portfolio naam Netto waarde Historisch Rendement % Rendement
161 A v d Linden 2019 189.602,89 100.000,00 +89.602,89 +89,60%
162 KarlijnUtrecht 189.525,03 100.000,00 +89.525,03 +89,53%
163 Alexander 189.004,01 100.000,00 +89.004,01 +89,00%
164 Tiemen den Uil 187.335,80 100.000,00 +87.335,80 +87,34%
165 Vincent 187.255,26 100.000,00 +87.255,26 +87,26%
166 Paul Kleinherenbrink 187.188,61 100.000,00 +87.188,61 +87,19%
167 Sluwevos 187.025,46 100.000,00 +87.025,46 +87,03%
168 Lin Da 2 186.815,97 100.000,00 +86.815,97 +86,82%
169 IEX_spa-bart 186.610,17 100.000,00 +86.610,17 +86,61%
170 thijs Buuron 185.655,53 100.000,00 +85.655,53 +85,66%
171 Los Banditos 185.412,28 100.000,00 +85.412,28 +85,41%
172 Bloem 184.893,58 100.000,00 +84.893,58 +84,89%
173 Nathan Capital 184.588,61 100.000,00 +84.588,61 +84,59%
174 Tjalling Tromp 3A 184.136,56 100.000,00 +84.136,56 +84,14%
175 The House of the Rising Stock 184.025,72 100.000,00 +84.025,72 +84,03%
176 IEX_maastricht50 183.857,05 100.000,00 +83.857,05 +83,86%
177 Floris 183.771,80 100.000,00 +83.771,80 +83,77%
178 ehvguus 183.757,68 100.000,00 +83.757,68 +83,76%
179 Rogier S Utrecht 182.656,49 100.000,00 +82.656,49 +82,66%
180 T3G8-1819 182.622,13 100.000,00 +82.622,13 +82,62%