Out of the money tesla call opti

Positie Portfolio naam Netto waarde Historisch Rendement % Rendement
4521 3-9 88.519,07 100.000,00 -11.480,93 -11,48%
4522 Pim 88.515,46 100.000,00 -11.484,54 -11,48%
4523 Joy, Li Yan en Mandy 88.497,86 100.000,00 -11.502,14 -11,50%
4524 ThijsHaitsma 88.493,49 100.000,00 -11.506,51 -11,51%
4525 Teun 88.484,23 100.000,00 -11.515,77 -11,52%
4526 IEX spelportefeuille Hauke 88.469,27 100.000,00 -11.530,73 -11,53%
4527 T4G4-2324 88.427,69 100.000,00 -11.572,31 -11,57%
4528 Hans Hendrikjan 88.411,66 100.000,00 -11.588,34 -11,59%
4529 JoppeVanDuin3D 88.280,55 100.000,00 -11.719,45 -11,72%
4530 Mart de Groot 88.277,36 100.000,00 -11.722,64 -11,72%
4531 Kawa Z. 88.247,21 100.000,00 -11.752,79 -11,75%
4532 LL 88.199,49 100.000,00 -11.800,51 -11,80%
4533 Utrecht Vincent 88.186,17 100.000,00 -11.813,83 -11,81%
4534 T3G5-2122 88.141,54 100.000,00 -11.858,46 -11,86%
4535 The-investor 88.111,16 100.000,00 -11.888,84 -11,89%
4536 Lars F 88.090,28 100.000,00 -11.909,72 -11,91%
4537 k.scheffer 88.077,40 100.000,00 -11.922,60 -11,92%
4538 Bart F. 88.054,10 100.000,00 -11.945,90 -11,95%
4539 AlecvanKinderen3B 88.053,43 100.000,00 -11.946,57 -11,95%
4540 T2G3-2021 88.053,34 100.000,00 -11.946,66 -11,95%