how to lose money (not part of g

Extra wallet to show people how to lose money (this is not part of the game, just fun experiment to see if I can lose at least 50k)

Positie Portfolio naam Netto waarde Historisch Rendement % Rendement
4241 Saxion MAO 94.551,64 100.000,00 -5.448,36 -5,45%
4242 Elora Markus 94.546,08 100.000,00 -5.453,92 -5,45%
4243 Ashraf 94.526,70 100.000,00 -5.473,30 -5,47%
4244 Jisse 94.526,44 100.000,00 -5.473,56 -5,47%
4245 Out of the money tesla call opti 94.469,79 100.000,00 -5.530,21 -5,53%
4246 Jesse 3c 94.461,25 100.000,00 -5.538,75 -5,54%
4247 Annet 94.430,39 100.000,00 -5.569,61 -5,57%
4248 Angelo 94.420,44 100.000,00 -5.579,56 -5,58%
4249 floris 94.409,35 100.000,00 -5.590,65 -5,59%
4250 AlperenCaglayan3C 94.407,66 100.000,00 -5.592,34 -5,59%
4251 groep 1 94.393,16 100.000,00 -5.606,84 -5,61%
4252 Vek 94.390,10 100.000,00 -5.609,90 -5,61%
4253 Daniel 94.382,07 100.000,00 -5.617,93 -5,62%
4254 Thijs Damman 94.378,66 100.000,00 -5.621,34 -5,62%
4255 richard boekhoud 2024 94.378,02 100.000,00 -5.621,98 -5,62%
4256 Match 94.356,84 100.000,00 -5.643,16 -5,64%
4257 van Kessel, Geurtsen, de Kloet 94.314,15 100.000,00 -5.685,85 -5,69%
4258 Pim en Pom 94.310,96 100.000,00 -5.689,04 -5,69%
4259 Indy 94.287,87 100.000,00 -5.712,13 -5,71%
4260 Tomas 94.284,60 100.000,00 -5.715,40 -5,72%